A poster show exploring local parks, greenways, rivers and trails.
FOR • Local Lands STL Poster Expo
VIEWING • 4/29—5/1 @ Work & Leisure
CREATIVE • Natalie Johnson
There are many hidden gems Missouri gifts us with. Here in the Midwest, a “hidden spot” does feel childishly yours. However, I am thankful for those who discover off the beaten paths and share coordinates with other appreciators. Generosity like this feels so rare these days.
Inspired by taking time, rock + mineral collections, sound sculptures, nature as inner-self, Erosion: Essays of Undoing, a lyrical love letter to moss, and our three homes.


“The names we use for rocks and other beings depends on our perspective, whether we are speaking from the inside or the outside of the circle. The name on our lips reveals the knowledge we have of each other, hence the sweet secret names we have for the ones we love. The names we give ourselves are a powerful form of self-determination, of declaring ourselves sovereign territory. Outside the circle, scientific names for mosses may suffice, but inside the circle, what do they call themselves?
I find strength and comfort in this physical intimacy with the land, a sense of knowing the names of the rocks and knowing my place in the world.”
—Robin Wall Kimmerer